Our Chairman Carmel welcomed members to the Christmas meeting of the Society. There was an excellent turn-out in spite of the freezing conditions. In a departure from previous Christmas events there was no formal talk. Instead, President Maurice Heritage invited attendees to participate in an informal quiz about the historic buildings of Evesham.
Around the room he had placed photographs of many buildings in many parts of the town, taken from unusual angles. In his opening remarks, Maurice advised people that, as they walked through the streets they should occasionally look upwards at the unchanging upper floors and rooflines of the premises they passed. Shopfronts alter quite frequently, but the upper parts of buildings remain unchanged.
There was much interested discussion among members as they tried to identify buildings from pictures, mainly of their upper floors. There were lots of surprises, as many shops that are currently familiar to everyone turned out to have been placed in very handsome settings, such as Georgian and Tudor buildings.
Where can you find this window?
The answer is
Maurice had also brought along a selection of old photographs of Evesham, which caused much excited comment among the viewers.
After the “quiz”, members enjoyed teas, coffees, mince pies and other treats.