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The Historical Society and the Vale of Evesham Civic Society combined their efforts to create a new wall plaque in memory of Sir Henry Fowler.

SHF Plaque: About
Henry Fowler was born on 29th July, 1870 at Port Street, and educated at Evesham Grammar School before moving on to what became Birmingham University.
He was appointed to the post of Chief Mechanical Engineer of the Midland Railway in 1910. After work at the Royal Aircraft Factory in Farnborough - recognised with a knighthood -he returned to the railway industry, becoming Chief Mechanical Engineer of the LMS in 1925. He was responsible for the design and construction of many classes of locomotives, the most famous being the Royal Scot and the Patriot Classes.

SHF Plaque: About
The Plaque is on the wall of the Signal house, by Evesham Station: the premises of Gage-Tupper & Associates Ltd. We are grateful for their permission and co-operation with this. It was unveiled by the mayor of Evesham at a ceremony on 27th January 2016

SHF Plaque: About
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